Investor Hunt is a comprehensive database of angel investors, venture capitalists, and investment funds you can use to quickly find & contact relevant investors
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Investor Hunt saves you hundreds of hours by aggregating data on over 90,000+ angels and venture capitalists in one place, complete with their investment interests and contact info
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We've categorized investors by their investment focuses, past investments, and location so you can easily determine who's a good fit for your startup
We have the most investors and contact data on our investors than any other investor database available
Our investors represent thousands of funds investing in early and late stage companies
Our investors come from dozens of countries from America and Europe to India and China
Our investors have invested in tens of thousands of companies like Google and Apple
Investor Hunt lets you easily save a list of the best investors so you can keep track of your targets
Once you build your list of investors, you can export their contact info to CSV with a single click
❤️ from our trusted customers
"Best $299 ever spent. As a result of investors we found in Investor Hunt, we found key investors in our very niche industry that understood our market and eventually wrote checks that allowed us to close our seed round. Definitely coming back when we're ready to raise our Series A."
❤️ Founder & CEO of Haute Hijab
"I've been using Investor Hunt for the last few weeks to help me set up meetings for my modern car exporting startup Rashkin. I've set up 3 phone call meetings and have already had one. I'm going to continue using this list to find investors and reach out to them quickly."
❤️ Founder & CEO of Rashkin Corp
Investor Hunt is the easiest way to research investors for your startup so you can spend less time Googling and more time raising.