💰 90,000+ investors at your fingertips
Investor Hunt is a comprehensive database of angel investors, venture capitalists, and investment funds you can use to quickly find & contact relevant investors
🔎 Filter investors by their investment focuses
We've categorized investors by their investment focuses, past investments, and location so you can easily determine who's a good fit for your startup
💬 Investor emails, social media, and phone numbers
We have the most investors and contact data on our investors than any other investor database available
🚀 Our investors come from funds like Sequoia, Y Combinator, and KPCB
Our investors represent thousands of funds investing in early and late stage companies
🌍 Our investors come from all over the world
Our investors come from dozens of countries from America and Europe to India and China
💎 Our investors invest in everything from consumer internet to fashion
Our investors have invested in tens of thousands of companies like Google and Apple
🗃 Build a list of your favorite investors
Investor Hunt lets you easily save a list of the best investors so you can keep track of your targets
⚡️ Export your list of investors to CSV
Once you build your list of investors, you can export their contact info to CSV with a single click