Access the best investors in the world for the price of a coffee a day

Basic 🚁

✅ Access to database of 95k+ investors.

✅ Unlimited searches

✅ Search filtering

✅ Social media links

✅ Past Investments data

✅ Investment stages

✅ Investor types

❌ Build a list of your favorite 25 investors

❌ Export up to 200 investors per month

❌ Export your favorites list to CSV, XLSX

❌ Unlimited investor lists

❌ Investors' sector focus tags

❌ Startup document templates

❌ Email Addresses

❌ Phone Numbers

❌ Bulk select investors


Pro ✈️

✅ Build a list of up to 200 investors

✅ Export up to 200 investors to .csv/.xlsx files

✅ Access to database of 95k+ investors

✅ Full access to all investor emails

✅ Unlimited searches

✅ Search filtering

✅ Social media links

✅ Past investments data

✅ Investment stages

✅ Investor types

✅ Investors' sector focus tags

✅ Bulk select 25 investors at a time

✅ Email addresses

✅ Startup document templates

✅ Phone numbers

✅ Unlimited investor lists

❌ Export up to 1000 investors per month

❌ Bulk select up to 75 investors at a time

❌ Priority customer support

Premium 🚀

✅ Build a list of up to 1000 investors

✅ Export up to 1000 investors to .csv/.xlsx files

✅ Access to database of 95k+ investors

✅ Full access to all investor emails

✅ Unlimited searches

✅ Search filtering

✅ Social media links

✅ Past investments data

✅ Investment stages

✅ Investor types

✅ Investors' sector focus tags

✅ Bulk select 25 investors at a time

✅ Email addresses

✅ Startup document templates

✅ Phone numbers

✅ Unlimited investor lists

✅ Bulk select 75 investors at a time

✅ Priority customer support

Investor Hunt is a monthly subscription paid securely through Stripe.

You can cancel at any time.

💰 90,000+ investors at your fingertips

Investor Hunt is a comprehensive database of angel investors, venture capitalists, and investment funds you can use to quickly find & contact relevant investors

🔎 Filter investors by their investment focuses

We've categorized investors by their investment focuses, past investments, and location so you can easily determine who's a good fit for your startup

💬 Investor emails, social media, and phone numbers

We have the most investors and contact data on our investors than any other investor database available

🚀 Our investors come from funds like Sequoia, Y Combinator, and KPCB

Our investors represent thousands of funds investing in early and late stage companies

🌍 Our investors come from all over the world

Our investors come from dozens of countries from America and Europe to India and China

💎 Our investors invest in everything from consumer internet to fashion

Our investors have invested in tens of thousands of companies like Google and Apple

🗃 Build a list of your favorite investors

Investor Hunt lets you easily save a list of the best investors so you can keep track of your targets

⚡️ Export your list of investors to CSV

Once you build your list of investors, you can export their contact info to CSV with a single click


How did you get this data?

We started building this dataset manually a few years ago when we started raising money for new projects. After growing it to over a thousand investors, we decided to build a few bots and compile other datasets to grow this database to ~90k+.

How do I contact these investors?

Please don't spam these investors! Compile a list of relevant investors you think would be interested in your project, then use an email service like Mixmax to email them.

How often is this data updated?

We make improvements to this data everyday, but there are still improvements to be made.

How many investors do you have?

We have almost 90,000+, and ~70,000 of those have emails.

What kind of investors do you have?

We have all kinds of investors, but the meat of the database is angels and VCs.