100k Ventures

100K Ventures is an accelerator located in Flint, Michigan. It invests in early-stage companies who receive a high assessment from the 100K Ideas pipeline. The 100k Ideas pipeline provides a helping hand in business development to anyone regardless of their prior experience or background, while ranking the business viability throughout the process. Robert Wolf, Victor Cruz, Draymond Green, Philip Hagerman, Meena Harris, Christina Weiss Lurie, Michael Nutter, Soledad O`Brien, Reshma Saujani, Michael Strahan, Jaime Taicher and Frank Thomas, are all a part of the team who founded it in 2018.

  • Industries:Angel Investment
  • Program types:Accelerator
  • Program duration: weeks
  • Investment Stages:Seed
  • City/State:Flint, Michigan
  • Country:United States

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