2b Ahead Ventures

2b AHEAD Ventures is an incubator and company builder. It was founded by Sven Gábor Jánszky and his future institute "2b AHEAD ThinkTank". 2b AHEAD Ventures is based in the former Baumwollspinnerei in Leipzig-Plagwitz, where the 2b AHEAD parent institute has developed into Europe`s largest independent future research institute. The main difference between 2b AHEAD Ventures and the other start-up incubators in the region? The strict focus on global business models and the direct link to Silicon Valley. They do not finance already existing start-up teams, but they take the concepts for disruptive business model innovations, which the 2b AHEAD Institute develops for its customers anyway, and which in their opinion have the potential to profoundly change industries. They build up their own teams of founders around these ideas and accompany them on their way.

  • Industries:Robotics
  • Program types:Accelerator
  • Program duration: weeks
  • Investment Stages:Convertible NoteSeedEarly Stage Venture
  • City/State:Leipzig
  • Country:Germany

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