Entrepreneurship Lab Nyc

They aim to support the development of NYC as the new world leader in life sciences entrepreneurship by harnessing the creativity and talent present in the city’s academic institutions and connecting this talent with the scientific experts and business leaders in the field nationwide. They endeavor to support young entrepreneurs by providing them with the education and networks critical to start successful life science based businesses. Their hope is for ELabNYC to identify and invite the most promising innovations and most passionate scientific and technical minds to join us annually in the ELabNYC program and to accelerate the development of technologies into successful businesses. Scientists and doctors with technology innovations that inspire entrepreneurship can find themselves seeking business skills and networks in order to navigate the challenges of commercialization. ELabNYC, teaches business skills and networks participants. In teaching, they prepare their program participants for the startup world to confidently persevere through the continued challenges they will face. In networking, they introduce participants to experts nationwide to navigate business issues in the technical and complex world of life science business.

  • Industries:
  • Program types:Incubator
  • Program duration: weeks
  • Investment Stages:Seed
  • City/State:, New York
  • Country:United States

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