Mash-up means developing new services by
mixing various information (contents) and services provided by web service providers on the web in the IT (information technology) field.
Mashup Angels is an early start-up investment company specialized in the ICT field, and formed the Angel Network in 2013.
Currently, there are more than 100 verified professional partners and staff in each field, including Drama & Company (Remember), Tenping, Style Share, My Real Trip, Scatter Lab, Breach, Bucket Place (House of the Day), IO & Co, Omnius, etc. More than four portfolio teams are working together.
The core value provided by Mashup Angels is collaboration and information sharing that occurs in networks between partners and startups and startups and startups. To this end, a total of 6 partners are running various programs, and are providing in-depth assistance in all areas of work to be of practical help to startup growth.