Sustainability Incubator

Sustainability Incubator a tactical company putting teams together wherever needed to help food companies face issues with a clear strategy. Our services, like the Labor Safe Screen, are user-designed and user-operated. Our premise is business innovation is a force for good in society, for example by ensuring producers are safe from slavery worldwide. The Labor Safe Screen idea came from a handful of scientists and supply chain experts committed to sustainable fishing and livelihoods. We understood that transfers of fish and people at sea are very complicated, but generally records are available to identify the landing vessel and the subsequent supply chain. Factories in seafood hubs are generally well financed and have systems in place to segregate materials from different catching vessels if there is a reason to do so. If there is demand or a specification from a buyer to trade in this way, then it will, and subsequent audits can be carried out to check compliance. This is normal thinking in food business. What sets it apart is t

  • Industries:SoftwareSupply Chain Management
  • Program types:Incubator
  • Program duration: weeks
  • Investment Stages:
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