BridgeCommunity is a unique nurturing and commercialization program that connects early-stage tech startups with global corporations. 2017’s corporate roster adds Porsche North America and SunTrust Bank to the lineup from 2016, including Capgemini, Coca-Cola, COX Enterprises, InterContinental Hotels Group, The Weather Company.
The program also
significantly increased their startup recruitment for the 2017 cohort resulting in triple the number of applications and double the number of participating startups compared to last year.
BridgeCommunity is designed to engineer and accelerate startup and corporate relationships. Startups receive world-class enterprise sales, marketing, and negotiations training to understand corporate innovation needs. Corporations are coached on minimizing roadblocks to streamline pilots and simplify contracts, and the BridgeCommunity team makes targeted introductions and mediates relationships.
The program also grows the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Atlanta through its powerful corporate member-to-member network and community initiatives to help raise the technical skill level in Atlanta, and a focus on the Coca-Cola EKOCENTER initiative in Africa.