The Business Incubator Center

The Business Incubator Center supports the launch, growth, stabilization and long-term success of business enterprises in Mesa County and the surrounding region. They measure success by their ability to guide entrepreneurs through sound business decisions and their positive influence on economic growth in the region. The Business Incubator provides several programs to support this mission: Free or low cost classes, coaching, networking and workshops geared to start-up or existing small business through the Small Business Development Center and other entities Space for lease to client companies including a licensed commercial kitchen and light manufacturing, office and technology Affiliate space, with hourly rent and shared services, for those who don’t need a full-time workspace Small business financing through the Business Loan Fund of Mesa County Enterprise Zone tax credit and contribution project administration through the Mesa County Enterprise Zone

  • Industries:Enterprise Software
  • Program types:Incubator
  • Program duration: weeks
  • Investment Stages:
  • City/State:Grand Junction, Colorado
  • Country:United States

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