Fred Wilson from Union Square Ventures once said that it’s not the best tech that wins the market. If you have it, that’s great. But the questions that make or break a startup are what to do when the money runs out, what accelerator to pick, what VC you should pitch or what to do in front of a term sheet.
At YLC Entrepreneurship, we aim to help you answer these questions. Join us and begin shaping your future today with the help of our network of mentors and investors.
But remember this, even though they are successful executives from Airbnb, Seedcamp, Techstars, Dreamit Ventures and many others, at the end of the day you are the star we focus on.
What drives us are the endless possibilities of reinvention. In a world driven by benchmarks, we encourage you to break the pattern and be the next Game Changer that disrupts the market.
For that to happen, you will benefit from the opportunity to meet VCs and angel investors in order to be able to anticipate their horizon of expectation in terms of investing in a tech start-up. Yes, you are definitely going to master IT start-up financing and management.
So, even though our daily priority is to best adapt and scale your business to the market, we look forward to take a minute from time to time, to read TechCrunch articles about our young protégées disrupting markets all over the world.