- Having a clear and well-defined business plan that outlines your goals, strategies, and financial projections.
- Demonstrating a track record of success and growth, if possible, such as through customer traction or revenue growth.
- Conducting thorough research on potential investors to ensure that they are a good fit for your business, and align with your goals and values.
- Being prepared to give up some level of control in your business in exchange for investment capital.
- Being open to feedback and guidance from your investor, as they may have valuable experience and insights to share.
- Having a clear understanding of the terms of the investment, including equity ownership and potential exit strategies.
Andrew Impey
United Kingdom,
Investment type
Micro VC
Venture Capital
Past investments
Silent Herdsman
Innovation Broking
Hilson Moran
Ryefield Court Care
Vibrant Energy
Berkley Care Group
Street By Street Solar
Bravo Inns
KERN Ventures
Radnor House School
Red-M Group
Chonais Holdings
Active Lives Care
Gracewell Healthcare
DYSIS Medical
Erin Solar
Green Highland Renewables
AMS Sciences
The Charnwood Pub
Taunton Nursing Home
Xceleron Inc.
RFI Global Services
Masters Pharmaceutical Inc
About investors and investments
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How do you increase the chances of getting investment for your startup?