- Having a clear and well-defined business plan that outlines your goals, strategies, and financial projections.
- Demonstrating a track record of success and growth, if possible, such as through customer traction or revenue growth.
- Conducting thorough research on potential investors to ensure that they are a good fit for your business, and align with your goals and values.
- Being prepared to give up some level of control in your business in exchange for investment capital.
- Being open to feedback and guidance from your investor, as they may have valuable experience and insights to share.
- Having a clear understanding of the terms of the investment, including equity ownership and potential exit strategies.
Jim Hausman
Social media
Investment count
22 investmentsInvestment amount
$10K to $250KMarkets
Past investments
B Positive National Blood Services
PE Systems Investors
Naamans Investors
CRS Investors
PE Class A investors
Westbridge Holding
Sprinfield PA Associates
UB Investors LP
Collwick Managers
Scranton PA Associates
CS Idaho
CS Rockvale Investors
Southpointe Associates
CC Chelmsford Associates
Outstanding Food
United Life Sciences
Intercapital Dallas Associates
Kharma Holdings
Seaview Refinerary Investors
About investors and investments
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