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High-Performance Entrepreneur

3.87 (658ratings)

Author:Subroto Bagchi

Published:October 30th 2006 by Penguin

Book genres

Business, Nonfiction, Entrepreneurship, Management, Self Help


Entrepreneurship, Productivity, High Performance, Startup Guidebook

Difficult though setting up a business is, becoming a high-performance entrepreneur is harder still. And yet of the many thousands who try, there are those who go on to become successful, some even graduate to setting up companies that hold their own against the toughest competition, becoming icons of achievement. In "The High-Performance Entrepreneur", Subroto Bagchi, co-founder and chief operating officer of MindTree Consulting, draws upon his own highly successful experience to offer guidance from the idea stage to the IPO level. This includes how to decide when one is ready to launch an enterprise, selecting a team, defining the values and objectives of the company and writing the business plan to choosing the right investors, managing adversity and building the brand. Additionally, in an especially illuminating chapter, Bagchi recounts the systems and values which have made Indian IT companies on a par with the best in the world. More than just a guide, this is a book that will tap the entrepreneurial energy within you.