Smooth Ride to Venture Capital

Pankaj Sahai

Have you got a great business idea but not enough money to translate into a reality? Have you got a small ongoing venture that can grow truly big if only you had the money? Is your venture at too early a stage such that banks won’t fund you? In all such cases, you can grow your venture, create immense wealth and realise all your entrepreneurial dreams by using venture capital to fund your business.

This is first comprehensive handbook of venture capital funding for Indian entrepreneurs. It deals with the whole gamut of issues related to the complex, multi-dimensional subject of venture capital in a simple and engaging manner. Using first person narrative, it explains lucidly all the concepts and intricacies of the venture capital raising process and guides the entrepreneur step-by-step, revealing the secrets of success at every stage of the process:

How is venture capital different from other sources of financing?
How does the VC make money by investing in my business?
How should I create my business plan to present to the VC?
How will the VC value my business?
How should I negotiate with the VC?
How can I protect my interests once a VC funds my business?
What legal agreements will I have to sign with the VC?
How and when will the VC exit from my business? Would I have to pay him to do so?

This authoritative handbook is a must for ambitious entrepreneurs, business managers, management consultants, business advisers and finance professionals alike. Read more about the book and free download of content from the book.

Pankaj Sahai

PANKAJ SAHAI is a New Delhi based management consultant, entrepreneur coach, mentor and adviser. He is the founder of, an entrepreneur support and coaching portal, an enabling marketplace for ventures in need of strategic capital and partners. Previously, he worked, responsible positions in India and overseas, with multinationals like Price Waterhouse, Ernst & Young, Schlumberger and Citibank, before becoming part of the core entrepreneurial team of shareholder-directors at IIS Infotech Ltd, a software services start-up, which was subsequently sold to FI Group Plc. (now Steria–Xansa). Pankaj Sahai is a Chartered Accountant (India) and a Chartered Management Accountant (United Kingdom).Read More about the Author