The Little Book of Venture Capital Investing: Empowering Economic Growth and Investment Portfolios
Book genres
Business, Finance, Economics
Venture Capital, Investing in Startups, Venture Capital Investing, VC Expert Advice, VC Due Diligence
In today`s weak job market, VC is more important than ever, since financing new tech, alternative energy, media, and othersmall to mid-sized companies is vital to creating new jobs. Writtenby Lou Gerken, a noted international authority on venture capitaland alternative investments, this book tells you everything youneed to know about the venture capital industry`s important role inenhancing economic growth and employment. It is also the perfect goto primer on making venture capital investments to enhanceportfolio returns.
Highly accessible explanations of the ins and outs of venturecapital for would-be investors and experienced VCs
Highlights the historical VC track record, and offers expertadvice and guidance on venture capital exposure, investmentoptions, sourcing opportunities and due diligence
Provides proven strategies for successful investment selection, timing, monitoring, and exiting for optimum returns
Features endorsements from luminaries of the VC world, including Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers co-founder FrankCaulfield, and Dr. Art Laffer, among others