Investor Update Template by Visible

By Matt from Visible Marketing

The Visible "Standard" Investor Update Template

A great investor update feels personal and is easy to digest. We recommend starting with a personalized greeting, summary, and company pitch.

Hello all‌,

I hope your month is off to a great start! Since our last update [Company name] has made significant progress towards our goals and kicked off our fundraising process. Thanks for your continued support.

All my best,
CEO Name
Company Name
Elevator Pitch

Investors work with a lot of companies that are constantly evolving. Start your update with your 2-3 sentence elevator pitch to orient them.

Company Name's mission is to ______ and we're doing this by _________________________.


Always start with the good news! Briefly recap your company highlights, including things like goals hit or exceeded, new key hires, product updates, etc. Anything that made the previous month great.

  • We exceeded our XYZ goal, with X% above what we projected.
  • We hired this person, who previously did X at Y company. She will take point on all things XYZ. Welcome!
  • Our product team pushed [new feature], which we're really excited about. Read about it here.

Next, include some areas where you struggled or could use some help. Noting the steps you're taking in response is even better, as investors will see you reacting to tough situations and moving forward. Transparency is key!

  • We missed XYZ goal, but here is what we are doing to correct it:
  • We needed to part ways with X from our Y team last month. It wasn't an easy decision, but we're confident it was the best thing for both parties.

Potentially the most important part of your update! Here is where you can leverage your investors and get the help you need. Make specific asks that investors can easily respond to by drawing on their networks, experience, and advice. Consider hyperlinking to your fundraising pipeline for intros to potential investors.

  • Here is our target list of investors for our Series A round. We're looking for introductions to any of the investors listed in the 'Research' stage.
  • We're looking for introductions to candidates for this [specific job title] in the [specific industry]. Ideally, this person would work at a company with at least X employees and control his own budget.
  • Do you know someone I should meet in [specific city]? I'll be traveling there next month and am trying to fill my calendar.

Giving credit where credit is due is important. This is where you can call out team members who went above and beyond in the previous month. Also, specifically call out any investor who responded to your previous month's asks, or helped you in another way. Nothing wrong with creating a little peer pressure for your other investors!

  • Thanks to the marketing team for going above and beyond with [campaign XYZ]. It brought in 100 new leads last month!
  • Shoutout to [investor], who introduced us to two great leads last month! One of the two looks likely to close. Thanks [investor]!
Customer Story

Investors love to see customer reactions to your product or company. Include customer feedback, social media mentions or anything that highlights how you're impacting your buyers.
Investors love to see customer reactions to your product or company. Include customer feedback, social media mentions or anything that highlights how you're impacting your buyers.
"This product is amazing! I'm so glad I found you!"

Key Metrics
  • List
  • Graph

We've kicked off our fundraising process with a target close date of Month Year.

Here is our most up to date {fundraising deck link}. Please feel free to share with relevant investors and let us know if you have any feedback.