Advertising Exchanges Investors

The largest database of Advertising Exchanges investors on the internet. You can try using Investor Hunt for free below. Premium data & filtering are redacted until you subscribe.

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Investor nameLocationsMarketsInvestment countInvestment amountLinkedinEmailDetails
Bobby YazdaniNew York City, Washington DC, London, and 2 more...Advertising, Education, Analytics, and 22 more...81 investmentsRedactedRedactedDetails
Jay GouldNew York, Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, and 1 more...Mobile, Consumer Internet, Social Media, and 16 more...44 investments$1K to $25KRedactedRedactedDetails
Alex MashinskyNew York City, San Francisco, United Kingdom, and 1 more...Mobile, SaaS, Advertising, and 27 more...39 investments$100K to $1M+RedactedRedactedDetails
Peter BordesSilicon Valley, New York City, San Francisco, and 12 more...Mobile, Consumer Internet, Digital Media, and 41 more...41 investments$10K to $100KRedactedRedactedDetails
Jacob CohenPennsylvania, United States, Ohio, and 8 more...Mobile, Consumer Internet, Digital Media, and 22 more...14 investmentsRedactedRedactedDetails
Steve ThommesMobile, Consumer Internet, Digital Media, and 11 more...3 investmentsRedactedRedactedDetails
Greg BettinelliNew York, Silicon Valley, San Francisco, and 11 more...Mobile, Consumer Internet, Online Travel, and 50 more...16 investmentsRedactedRedactedDetails
Brett CrosbySan FranciscoMobile, Consumer Internet, Social Media, and 13 more...17 investments$25KRedactedRedactedDetails
David ArnsdorfSilicon Valley, San Francisco, British Columbia, and 6 more...Mobile, Consumer Internet, Digital Media, and 20 more...14 investments$1K to $25KRedactedRedactedDetails
Jeff HuberSilicon Valley, Chicago, New York City, and 5 more...Consumer Internet, E-Commerce, Advertising, and 17 more...25 investments$1K to $100KRedactedRedactedDetails