Mobile Advertising Investors

The largest database of Mobile Advertising investors on the internet. You can try using Investor Hunt for free below. Premium data & filtering are redacted until you subscribe.

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Investor nameLocationsMarketsInvestment countInvestment amountLinkedinEmailDetails
Giordano Bruno ContestabileMobile, Consumer Internet, Digital Media, and 35 more...14 investments$5K to $25KRedactedRedactedDetails
Brian HandlyNorth Carolina, RaleighAdvertising, Enterprise Software, Mobile Advertising, and 2 more...6 investments$5K to $25KRedactedRedactedDetails
Gregory ChangSilicon Valley, New York City, San Francisco, and 2 more...Mobile, Consumer Internet, Digital Media, and 12 more...9 investments$5K to $50KRedactedRedactedDetails
Lauren DeLucaChicago, New York City, Los Angeles, and 6 more...Mobile, Consumer Internet, Online Travel, and 23 more...17 investments$5K to $25KRedactedRedactedDetails
Sachin AgarwalNew York, Silicon Valley, San Francisco, and 2 more...Mobile, Consumer Internet, Local, and 17 more...5 investments$5K to $25KRedactedRedactedDetails
Jinal JhaveriSilicon Valley, San Francisco, Los AngelesMobile, Consumer Internet, SaaS, and 21 more...10 investments$5K to $50KRedactedRedactedDetails
Raja KapadiaSilicon Valley, Menlo ParkSaaS, Financial Services, Analytics, and 22 more...17 investments$5K to $50KRedactedRedactedDetails
Frank LLosa EsqNew York, Silicon Valley, Austin, and 2 more...Mobile, Consumer Internet, Social Media Platforms, and 14 more...8 investments$5K to $50KRedactedRedactedDetails
Greg DeutschLos Angeles, San Diego, California, and 2 more...Social Commerce, Cloud Computing, Mobile Advertising, and 8 more...13 investments$5K to $50KRedactedRedactedDetails
Ben WaySan FranciscoMobile, Consumer Internet, Social Media, and 22 more...11 investments$5K to $500KRedactedRedactedDetails