Social News Investors

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Investor nameLocationsMarketsInvestment countInvestment amountLinkedinEmailDetails
Sunil AbrahamSilicon Valley, New York City, Washington DC, and 1 more...Consumer Internet, Digital Media, Social Media, and 5 more...3 investmentsRedactedRedactedDetails
Kevin RoseSilicon Valley, San FranciscoMobile, Consumer Internet, Social Media, and 3 more...49 investments$10K to $250KRedactedRedactedDetails
Jeremy YapNew York, Silicon Valley, New York City, and 19 more...Mobile, Digital Media, Social Media, and 37 more...44 investments$1K to $250KRedactedRedactedDetails
Kendall SavilleSan FranciscoConsumer Internet, Digital Media, Social Media, and 13 more...12 investments$1K to $25KRedactedRedactedDetails
Munjal ShahNew York, Silicon Valley, Palo AltoMobile, Consumer Internet, Social Media, and 22 more...25 investments$10K to $25KRedactedRedactedDetails
Jonathan MurraySan FranciscoConsumer Internet, Online Travel, Local, and 22 more...9 investments$1K to $50KRedactedRedactedDetails
Srini PanguluriSilicon Valley, San FranciscoMobile, Consumer Internet, Social Media, and 22 more...18 investments$10K to $25KRedactedRedactedDetails
Rick WinfieldSilicon Valley, San Francisco, Asia, and 2 more...Mobile, Consumer Internet, Social Media, and 22 more...14 investments$1K to $5KRedactedRedactedDetails
Seth GoldsteinSilicon Valley, New York City, San Francisco, and 5 more...Mobile, Social Media, Advertising, and 9 more...29 investments$1K to $100KRedactedRedactedDetails
Jonathan CoonNew York, Silicon Valley, Austin, and 1 more...Mobile, Consumer Internet, Local, and 16 more...11 investments$100K to $250KRedactedRedactedDetails